Angelica Grimes is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the state of New Jersey. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and completed her Master's of Science work in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling through Monmouth University. Angelica has years of experience in intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization care, and private settings. Although she covers a wide range of mental health issues, she has extensive practice, and furthers her continuing education specializing in OCD, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts.
Angelica views the counseling process as holistic in not only treating symptoms, but also looking beyond that in processing where they may stem from and tailoring treatment to the client's specific needs. In conjunction with mindfulness and grounding techniques, she utilizes CBT, ACT, and evidence-based practices to help clients succeed in getting past their fears, reaching their goals, and developing a working set of coping skills to use throughout their life journey. She views the therapeutic process as a collaborative effort.
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Relationship Issues
• Depression
• Anxiety & Phobias
• Social issues / Self-esteem
• Divorce and familial issues
• Intrusive Thoughts
• Adjustment to changes or life transitions
Angelica's Specialty areas:
Overcoming Intrusive thoughts and Pure "O"CD
Nearly every person has intrusive thoughts. However, for some, there are times where these thoughts can easily become "stuck". For those, the questions of "what does this mean?" and "who am I?" become plaguing and create intense fear, distress, and confusion. This fear, distress, and confusion, coupled with self-doubt and desperation to escape, can lead to a negative self-image and feelings of shame. Repetitive, unwanted intrusive thoughts can make you feel trapped in a life of constantly trying to eradicate them or find reason. Some of these thoughts surround sexuality, relationships, harm, existentialism and more. Most importantly, these thoughts are often just thoughts. My work is evidence based, uses an approach of acceptance and commitment therapy, and draws upon cognitive behavioral therapy to emphasize values and willingness.
"Entering Adulthood", Becoming a Parent, Life Transitions Anxiety
Are you graduating? Starting, leaving, or thinking about what it would be like to try a new career? Are you newly engaged, getting married, or having a baby? Are you making a major decision and are faced with all the possible "what ifs" and fears surrounding the outcome? Life is ever changing and people are forever growing and adapting. These transitions can be exciting, nerve racking, or stressful... oftentimes all of the above! How we perceive these situations and relate to our feelings and thoughts about them can impact our choices and progress towards our goals altogether. I use cognitive behavioral therapy in exploring core beliefs, emphasizing values, and processing past events to help others sail smoothly through changes, transitions, and discovery of desires.
Children of all ages Coping with Effects of Divorce
Whether they are young children, adolescents, or adults, children of divorce often experience the repercussions of frequent conflict between parental figures. These effects can show up as depression, anxiety, and relationship or identity issues. Sometimes the impact of a divorce on a child is obvious and other times it is hidden behind our core beliefs that influence our decisions and actions or even inhibit us from taking steps or moving toward goals in life. Coping with the dissolution of a family unit and adjusting to a new household can influence both physical and emotional well being. I work with others in exploring these situations with an introspection of values, a focus on the self, and an approach of acceptance and gratitude.